11 Aug Ports & related issues. What international ports are doing to respond to the crisis. Number 14
Today MedCruise published the following press release regarding the second edition of the MedCruise Awards. An effort of the international port community to react to the difficult (post-)Covid-19 situation.
Link to the MedCruise Awards Gala: https://youtu.be/3ejP9v8TGrU
11 August 2020 – The second edition of the MedCruise Awards has taken place today. MedCruise Association has celebrated this gala, one more year, to recognise excellence in our industry; and the categories of the awards today reflects the diverse nature of the industry and the innovation taking place.
It has been an impressive online ceremony that has delivered positive messages of great hopes to the industry for a joint recovery, particularly in times of adversity. Despite the difficult situation that the world is currently facing, MedCruise Association felt that was time, more than ever, to present accolades to those companies, organisations and individuals who are working harder to take the cruise industry into a challenging and competitive future.
This major cruise event brings together annually MedCruise members and their key partners as well as experts – cruise line executives and international press representatives- and aims to recognise companies, organisations and individuals. In this occasion, the Association of the Mediterranean cruise ports, has recognized the current exceptional Commitment and Solidarity from companies, ports, organisations and individuals of the Cruise industry during the present COVID-19 pandemic.
MedCruise Awards integrates several categories with different juries composed by cruise industry experts, where some prizes are given based on jury members’ opinion, and others based on facts.
«I would like to congratulate all the winners and thank all MedCruise members, associate members, cruise line executives and international press representatives for taking part of the election process and supporting this great event as well as the Board of Directors members of MedCruise for their commitment to the organisation of this great event», said MedCruise President, Airam Díaz.
The first edition of The MedCruise Awards took place last year in June, 2019 and was hosted by Med Cruise’s founding member, Port of Genoa & Savona, today managed by Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority.