11 Aug Ports & related issues. What international ports are doing to respond to the crisis. Number 10
The AIVP newsletter reports this week, in the Health and life quality section, an interesting piece of news about the cruise world, heavily affected by the Covid-19 crisis and still in a serious stalemate situation, due to the need to completely rethink the sector.
The non-profit organization “Key West Committee for Safer Cleaner Ships” has collected enough signatures to launch a referendum next November on some essential points for the cruise industry. The proposed questions will concern the possibility of:
1 – establishing a limit to the number of disembarking passengers for each port in (1,500 per day);
2 – refusing ships with over 1,300 passengers;
3 – giving priority to cruise lines with the best environmental and health safety certification.
The initiative comes at a critical moment, when the debate on the timing and modalities for the recovery of the entire sector is intense. While some companies, for example in Italy and Germany, have announced the reintroduction of regional and national cruises, other countries, such as the United States, have extended the No Sail Order to all cruises.
In June, AIVP hosted a webinar dedicated to cruises and will resume the debate after the summer break, including it in the framework of goal 9 of the AIVP Agenda 2030, as an important topic for health and quality of life in port cities.