LIVORNO PORT CENTER | Salvaguardia ambiente marino
Livorno Port Center is an educational center with an interactive multimedia lab, a library and a vessel showroom. Il Livorno Port Center è un centro educativo-espositivo con un laboratorio multimediale interattivo, una biblioteca ed un'esposizione di navi.
Livorno port center, old fortress, fortezza vecchia, virtual tour, visita virtuale, interactive multimedia lab, laboratorio multimediale interattivo, museum itineray, percorso museale, library, biblioteca, oper port, PORTO APERTO, educational-exhibition, centro educativo-espositivo
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Salvaguardia ambiente marino

Green practices in the North Tyrrhenian ports 2 | Piombino: The S.E.POS.S.O. Project

The North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority is a partner in the LIFE S.E.POS.S.O. project – Supporting Environmental governance for the POSidonia oceanica Sustainable transplanting Operations – funded by the European Community under the LIFE 2016 Programme – LIFE Governance and Environmental Information. The project aims...