03 Dic #CruiseTheMed. MedCruise lancia la prima campagna di promozione del Mediterraneo post-Covid
MedCruise, la più importante associazione crocieristica a livello mondiale, la cui la missione è promuovere il settore delle crociere nel Mediterraneo, nel Mar Nero, nel Mar Adriatico, nel Mar Rosso e nell’Atlantico Europeo, ha presentato nei giorni scorsi, nel contesto dell’International Cruise Summit 2020, una efficace campagna di marketing che verrà lanciata nel 2021 per supportare, in questa difficile congiuntura con ancora maggior convinzione, i suoi membri e le relative destinazioni crocieristiche per la ripresa delle crociere. Ancora una volta la parola d’ordine è resilienza! Condividiamo di seguito un estratto del comunicato stampa di MedCruise e la clip della campagna diffusa sul canale YouTube con #CruiseTheMed .
There is nowhere else where one can cruise to so many different countries within a short period of time and to enjoy, meet, feel, taste, smell as many flavours, nature, cultures and retrace the footsteps of history as one can in the Mediterranean and its adjoining seas.
MedCruise has historically focused its marketing strategies primarily within the industry. For the first time, the Association is willing to make a major investment in the end-consumer for the benefit of its members, and the industry as a whole.
The purpose of the campaign is to remind cruise passengers and potential new consumers of the wonders of the Marenostrum, that MedCruise ports and destinations, are offering a five senses experience, that starts from the minute that passenger disembarks and steps immediately into an unforgettable lifetime experience.
MedCruise Director of Marketing, Mrs. Maria Cano, stated:
«The current pandemic is strongly hitting the cruise industry. MedCruise believes that now, more than ever, it is time to support the cruise industry, it is time to innovate, and it is time to think outside the box. In hard times, new and positive ideas are needed. This new online marketing strategy responds to this new era. MedCruise creates, adapts, and innovates to continue giving the best to its members and to the industry».