21 Ott ESPO presenta il rendiconto di sostenibilità ambientale 2020
Il 10 novembre prossimo ESPO-European Sea Ports Organisation presenterà il rendiconto di sostenibilità ambientale 2020. Condividiamo la notizia direttamente dalla Press Release di ESPO di oggi.
An exclusive presentation of the 2020 Environmental Report will be provided by Valter Selén, Senior Policy Advisor and EcoPorts Coordinator who will kick off the session, followed by a short exchange of views between ESPO Secretary General Isabelle Ryckbost and special invited guests. Closing the event, the GreenPort Cruise & Congress 2021 will hand over to the Port of Piraeus who will host next year’s meeting.
The 2020 Environmental Report offers a snapshot of the state of environmental management in the port sector, and provides key insights and invaluable guidance for industry players, port professionals, and policymakers alike. The Report also serves to give an updated view on the latest trends and figures in environmental management and port good practices.
The 2020 Environmental Report details the environmental performance of European sea ports. It provides the answer to, amongst other things:
- How are ports improving their environmental performance over time?
- What are the priorities of European ports?
- How many European ports are currently providing onshore power supply and LNG infrastructure?
The environmental report is an important tool of the ESPO Ecoports network, which is the flagship initiative of the European port sector. The Ecoports network is a unique initiative developed by ports, for ports seeking to self-monitor their environmental management and improvement over time.
The analysis provided in the 2020 Environmental Report is based on 60 benchmark indicators, using data from close to 100 ESPO EU/EEA member ports. All responses are independently assessed by academics and maritime experts.
Together with Greenport, ESPO gathers key individuals within the port and maritime sector to work jointly towards a better understanding of policy initiatives and their maritime implications.