07 Set EU Zero Pollution Action Plan. Verso un mare sempre più verde
La newsletter di MedCruise-The Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports ha diffuso nei giorni scorsi un comunicato nel quale − riferendo sui lavori del 3° incontro del Gruppo di Lavoro sui Porti Sostenibili − si forniscono interessanti aggiornamenti sulla politica comunitaria in materia di abbattimento delle emissioni CO2, in particolare attraverso lo strumento normativo recentemente pubblicato, denominato Zero Pollution Action Plan for Water, Air and Soil. Ne condividiamo di seguito il contenuto essenziale.
The European Green Deal announced headline actions on Zero Pollution Action Plan for Water, Air and Soil to better prevent, remedy, monitor and report on pollution. This Action Plan was adopted on 12 May 2021 with the publication of the Communication COM(2021) 400 final. The Plan sets out an integrated vision for 2050: a world where pollution is reduced to levels that are no longer harmful to human health and natural ecosystems, as well as the steps to get there and ties together all relevant EU policies to tackle and prevent pollution. Reviews of relevant EU legislation are foreseen to identify remaining gaps in EU legislation and where better implementation isnecessary to meet these legal obligations.
To steer the EU towards the 2050 goal of a healthy planet for healthy people, the Action Plan sets key 2030 targets to reduce pollution at source, in comparison to the current situation. The ones of relevance to water and biodiversity are:
- Improving water quality by reducing waste, plastic litter at sea (by 50%) and microplastics released into the environment (by 30%);
- Reducing by 25% the EU ecosystems where air pollution threatens biodiversity.
The Zero Pollution Action Plan is organized into nine flagship initiatives, each one of this is an integrated approach to what it aims to achieve and it considers all the sectors.